We are a water-bottling company with more than 40 years of experience in the San Juan metropolitan area. Our water is extracted from an artesian well and is bottled and sold on the premises. We offer delivery services as well.
We are a major food & household distributor in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
V. Suárez & Company is one of Puerto Rico's largest commercial enterprises and one of the largest Hispanic firms in the United States with revenues in excess of $600M. Founded in 1943...
The big Marketplace to engineers, buyers, contractors and specifiers to find products and services from Puerto Rico distributors.
Luxury yachts for sale in San Juan, Puerto Rico & Caribbean. Boat and yacht brokers for Viking, Luhrs, Edge Water deck boats, trawlers for sale, used boats, sports cruisers, luxury yachts for sale.
Information site for Amigo supermarkets. Employment opportunities. Supplier information. Customer relations.
Fuel and Diesel Sales and Distribution. For more information, please visit our WebSite or call us to place your order.
Puerto Rico’s largest coffee producer and distributor of brands Café Yaucono Café Rico, Café Rioja and Yaucono Selecto.
Distributes compostable containers suitable for food industry such as plates and cups.
Our company makes artisan roasts for the finest restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, cafeterias, bakeries, and gourmet retail outlets. We produce our own brands: Gustos Premium, Casa Grande, and Aromas de Jaicoa...
Manufactura e instalación de calentadores de agua solares y cisternas de reserva de agua. Instalación de paneles solares para generación de electricidad.
Founded more than 55 years ago, New Port Sales, Inc. has supplied its customers with a wide variety of products that range from the basic home goods to elaborate Spanish lace.
Una compañía netamente puertorriqueña, que cuenta con más de 30 años de servicio y experiencia en la manufactura y distribucción de productos bajo nuestra marca registrada CROSSCO. Contamos con una amplia variedad de productos que incluyen Selladores de Techos, Adhesivos, Ácidos y Productos de Limpieza.
Cacao grower and chocolate manufacturer/processor. Chocolate products and recipes. Company history. Chocobar.
Café Rico offers our customers the greatest variety of puertorican coffee. Our coffee selection reflects the taste and necessities of today's world.
Industry University Research Consortium, is a non-profit organization established by private industry in 1985. Its mission is to provide a forum where industry, academia and government can work together to promote the application of science and technology.
Packaging and Processing equipment Representatives and Distributor for the manufacturing industries.
La misión de la Cámara de Mercadeo, Industria y Distribución de Alimentos de Puerto Rico (MIDA) es promover el desarrollo de la Industria de Alimentos en un ambiente que favorezca a la empresa privada.
Exclusive dealers of Bertram, Sea Ray, Hydra-Sports and Baja.
Our main product line is Solenoid and Pneumatic Valves, Flowmeters, Gages, Power Generation Equipment, Transfer Switches and many more. We are distributors of ASCO, ASCO Pneumatics, Spirax Sarco, Clark-Reliance and Magnetrol products among others.
Una compañía netamente Puertorriqueña, principalmente dedicada al diseño y manufactura de generadores eléctricos y transferencias automáticas...
PRiMEX is a private, non-profit organization organized under the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico through the initiative of the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. (PRIDCO)
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