An innovative, low cost, Internet based reservation system that will help Vacation Rental companies and Proprietors manage their entire business.
Our Villas boast the most magnificent views! We overlook the Harbour of Culebra. Culebra is known for its spectacular beaches, diving among beautiful Coral Reefs, and hiking through the National Wildlife Sanctuary
A small resort of air-conditioned kitchen-equipped villas on Tamarindo beach, Culebra, PR
Bahía Marina Condo Hotel is high above an enormous bay (Bahía), and harbor (Marina), on a peninsula ridge bordering a 100-acre nature reserve and the Caribbean sea, on the island of Culebra off the east coast of Puerto Rico.
Posada la Hamaca is a lovely nine unit guest house of Spanish architecture located on the north side of the canal that separates Culebra's harbor from the Caribbean. You will enjoy a variety of relaxing activities...
We have 11 rooms available for you or your friends and family. They all have air conditioning and YES! hot water [...] We have a dock equiped with water and 110volt connection...
Caribbean style guesthouse located in the heart of Culebra. Come and enjoy a few days in paradise and have some frozen drinks in our tropical restaurant and bar.
The place is Club Seabourne, where the Caribbean comes to a complete halt, allowing you to appreciate and absorb all its treasures. Stroll along pristine white sandy beaches, wrap yourself in cool Caribbean breezes, and sleep to the tunes of the warm tropical nights...
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