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Puerto Rico > Cabo Rojo > Environment:

Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge
Much of the rocky terrain is covered by a native forest adapted to a dry climate. Large gumbo limbo trees are common in interior valleys while a variety of cactus species, including the endangered higo chumbo...
Comité Caborrojeño Pro Salud y Ambiente Inc.
En el CCPSAI estamos comprometidos con ayudar a nuestra sociedad y medio ambiente a coexistir bajo un pensamiento libre de prejuicios y trabajando en equipo...
Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge
The gently rolling hills of the refuge lie within the sub-tropical dry forest belt. Because of decades of over grazing much of the native vegetation has been replaced by plants from other regions.
Ecological Services In The Caribbean
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Oficina de Servicios Ecológicos del Caribe.
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