Manufacturer of beauty salon equipment and furniture.
OEM and wholesaler for fishing rods and lures.
PVH es un fabricante de losetas de moqueta y vinilo de gran tradicíón. PVH posee una amplia oferta de losetas para obras y suelos de vinilo. Exportamos en todo el mundo. Losetas PVH – soluciones creativas de gran calidad.
Hiperclim maquinaria de limpieza industrial fregadora aspiradora barredora abrillantadora marca Comac Cfm Ghibli Clym cubos carros celulosa bayetas marca Vileda Spontex 3M Jofel Key detergentes desinfectantes lavamanos dosificador gel lavavajillas
Generadores de Petroleo o gas, Paneles de Transferencia Automática
DECOLETAJE Fabricacion de piezas en serie, en tornos automaticos(traub,index,wickman,acme-gridley) Ferreteria,lamparas,mueble, metal-mecanico
EZ-Liner Industries manufactures striping equipment and traffic paints used worldwide by painting contractors, government highway departments, airports, and athletic facilities.
Levi's * Lee * Wrangler + other brand Jeans.
A Manufacturing Directory and Industrial Directory containing manufacturing companies, industrial distributors, and contract manufacturers from around the world.
Fabricante de componentes metalicos decorativos, teclados de membrana y juntas de estanqueidad.
Timothy Holding Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993. It has been specialized in producing universal joint shafts (also called cardan shaft or drive shaft)for more than twenty years.
Manufactures automated CD and DVD duplication equipment and ships to every country in the world through a network of distributors.
Maquinaria para limpieza y mantenimiento de playas.
- A leading distributor and export company of hospitality furniture, classroom furniture, concession and commercial equipment. We are a major distributor of Virco church and school furniture.
Offers CD and DVD Duplicators, Printers and Duplication Supplies. Provides Spanish-speaking Call Center.
Source for consumer and industrial products, raw materials and commodities produced and exported from around the world.
Exporting Amber from the Dominican Republic and Copal from Colombia
Fabricantes de sierras cinta o sierras de banda bimetálicas para el corte de metales. Estamos especializados en el acero superrápido M42.
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